

Imagen ClipX
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  • OS:

    Windows ME

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  • Updated:

    January 30, 2022

  • "Unlimited clipboard for pasting images and text"

To copy an infinite number of images and partial or entire texts, use ClipX, an unlimited clipboard to which you can paste all the contents you want. Depending on the keyboard shortcut you press, you will access a specific type of file that you have previously stored, allowing you to search for files and store the lists so that they are not lost when you change sessions.

Although the operating system includes a clipboard it leaves much to be desired in many ways, which have been polished by ClipX becoming the best choice for copying a multitude of content without risk of losing them no matter how long or heavy they are, from high resolution photographs to texts with an immense amount of paragraphs.

After pasting contents into the clipboard, accessing them is more than convenient thanks to the combinations of keys with which you can do it quickly. If you want to find directly one of the stored contents, just use the ClipX search engine.